The Importance Of Collective Identity

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In order to answer the research question on how the European Union has enhanced the collective identity within the European Union by combating islamic terroristic groups, the term 'collective identity' has to be examined. An amount of academic literature has focused on how collective identity can be acquired. According to Delanty (2005), a collective identity can only be achieved through a social group or an institutional framework that illustrates a collective self-identification (p.131). Moreover, he describes it as a 'we-feeling' and as a collective consciousness which requires a mutual project (p.131). This does not only provide a general idea of what collective identity is, but how it can be referred to the European Union as a social…show more content…
It does not only need the difference between “us” and “them”, but also a common enemy in oder to create a collective identity (p.444) The rise of criminal activities outside the European Union is illustrated as an awareness of the unity of Europe and of the importance to cooperate within Europe. Guittet's explanation of collective identity enables to explore the collective projects of the European Union, such as the establishment of a counter-terrorism strategy in order to combat the common enemy, namely, terrorists. It also clarifies how political cooperations within the European Union establish a sense of unity. Guittet's examination on collective identity in relation to a mutual enemy are appropriate enough for linking his findings with other sources in order to answer the research question. This would be for example by combining the fact how a common enemy and a mutual project maintains a collective identity in the European Union by referring to security policy strategies and foreign policy strategies that have been established by the European Union since September,…show more content…
He also refers to the relationship between Europe and the Islam which is based on anxiety and discrimination and led Europe to promote a unity due to its fear (p.99). Delanty does not regard the Islam as a religious threat but as a military intimidation (p.99). His elaboration of the relationship between the Islam and Europe enables to draw a comparison between the role of the Islam in Europe in the past and the role of islamic terrorists as the 'other' in the European Union in the aftermath of 9/11 which represents several resemblances. Delanty's chapter on the relationship between the Islam and Europe is solid enough to use it as a link between Islamic terrorists and the history of the relationship between the Islam and Europe. His elaboration can be applied to the role of islamic terroristic groups as the 'other' of the European Union which illustrates divers similarities. It evolved my ideas by making me more convinced that terrorism represents the 'other' of the European Union after September, 11 and thus creates a collective identity within the European

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