Realism And Liberalism In International Relations

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International relations as a separate field in politics is based on core ideas of realists and liberalists. Although there is a clear division between two ideologies, current international affairs of many countries push the boundaries of such ideas and modify. Fathers of classical realism theory Thucydides, H. Morgenthau and E. Carr believe that nations act due to their selfish interests and concerns, their desire to dominate in the world is rational and natural. Whereas Kant and Hobbes, founders of liberalism, argue that liberalism pulls towards the freedom in the economic and social spheres. By reinforcing the role of international organizations and trade zones nations can overcome anarchical situation. Through prism of state interests,…show more content…
The father of liberal philosophy Immanuel Kant in his piece “Perpetual Peace” argues that in the world of constant conflicts, as states naturally are at war, the state of peace must be established (Kant, 2008). Liberalists unlike realists believe that states are not always looking for power and interests can be achieved through Kant’s peaceful world order, which include cooperation through international institutions and free trade. Once countries will be interdependent on each other’s economies, will share same ideas, and will follow doctrines the peaceful world order can be…show more content…
Realists believe that power is the only mean to secure peace in anarchical international system. By international systems author means affairs of all countries on international arena. The actions of Russia annexing Crimea, the USA invading countries and spreading liberal ideology that local society is not ready to accept; we witness the clash of ideologies that only strain current world order and create chaos in forms of conflicts, economic and refugee crises. Currently international system only verifies that realism theorists are correct in that international system is anarchic. Although liberalistic key claims, which concentrated around democratic peace and less state autonomy motivated countries create international institutions such as the UN to resolve disputes we do not see that number of conflicts diminishes. The idea of such institutions in the first place was to manage conflicts at the phase of its prevention. In reality we witness the incapability of such institutions to maintain the initial

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