Response To The Declaration Of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence illustrates the ideologies of early Americans who believed that they were entitled to “unalienable rights” such as life and liberty. The aforementioned document boldly endorsed that these rights should be considered necessary for all men. This system of ideas and beliefs would eventually lead to a revolutionary event that would alter the course of history. The American Revolution is known as one of the greatest battles in American history. It was much more than a revolt against British rule, taxation and regulations. The revolution commenced an era that caused individuals to fight for universal principles now identified as freedom. While revolutionists fought against the British for these inalienable rights, another group of people like the blacks were denied the very same rights through the institution of slavery. Although African-Americans both free and enslaved, were considered undeserving of basic human rights, they had significant presence in the War. They were faced with the predicament to rebel against or stay loyal to the crown. Slaves chose to take part in the War believing it would be fundamental to their freedom. Several attempts for their…show more content…
Although this stands true, one may agree when considering the racial hierarchy present at those times, there was an inherent contradiction in whites wanting to be liberated from English rule; yet they continued to enslave blacks who also believed they were entitled to the same rights. The inconsistency between the ideals of the Revolution and the institution of slavery was the thought of freedom. The freedom that white Americans fought for was liberty in a political-economic sense, rather than the personal bondage that slaves had to endure. The revolutionary idea of liberty gave blacks, free and enslaved, the courage to pursue their own
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