A Fight For Independence: The Olive Branch Petition

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A Fight for Independence Henry Middleton, representing the Continental Congress, in 1774, drafted “The Olive Branch Petition.” This document is also known as, “The Petition to the King.” Drafted in response to the passing of The Coercive Acts by Parliament after the events of the Boston Tea Party, and intended to reach King George III. The petition starts by explaining whom it is representing and the purpose of the letter. Next, it lists several specific grievances and an explanation of their importance. The petition concludes with an affirmation of loyalty and good intent, followed by the signatures. There is no known response from the King. Joseph Galloway wrote “A Plan for the Union of Great Britain and the Colonies,” in 1774, also representing the First Continental Congress. This letter is an expression of the certain colonists’ intent to remain a part of the Mother Country. Unlike the “Olive Branch Petition,” which merely asked for repeal, this…show more content…
The main cited reason in the introduction is the revocation of rights. They then proceed to cite twenty-seven instances of mistreatment by Great Britain and the associated figures as evidence to their cause. These relate to the King’s abuse of power, Parliaments’ passing of legislation without input from the colonies, and the violent, and bullying manner in which the King had gone about enforcing civility. Jefferson then lists the previous means of asking for help by the colonists, and noted that their pleas were met with,” … our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.” This is in addition to being ignored previously. The “Declaration of Independence” also notes that the British citizens also offered no help. The document ends with, for the first time, the name, The United States of America and again asserts itself as a new nation that is to respected as any
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