Reflective Essay On Social Work

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I, Nicole Nordwald, would be a good fit for the Lindenwood University Social Work Program and the social work profession. Social workers must be open to the ideas, views, and values of others. I have my own beliefs and values; however, there’s always room for learning new things. It’s a privilege to learn about other cultures and experience their lifestyles and beliefs. I take this privilege very seriously. Social workers have the opportunity to work with people from different cultures, religions, and backgrounds. If you don’t know about a culture or specific religion, you can research to learn more about them, their values, and heritage. Nevertheless, the best way to learn about your clients and show them you’re interested in their lifestyle, culture, or religion is to ask them yourself. They are the experts in their lives and your best resource to expand your knowledge and understand about a culture’s values and beliefs. Who knows, if you keep an open mind you might even learn something about yourself in the process. Being a social worker requires…show more content…
Seeing others overcome challenges and achieve their goals is rewarding to me. I was born without my left forearm; a result of amniotic band syndrome. I have always wanted to help others who have been born without or lost a limb. It is imperative that individuals who face this challenge have hope. Life’s isn’t always fair; however, if we have hope we can overcome any challenge. By using our strengths and resources we can achieve our goals despite any challenge or circumstances life throws our way. I can model that hope for the people I serve and support them in using their strengths to discover new ways of achieving their goals. As I’ve progressed further into the social work program my love for this work has grown. I am open and interested in learning about every aspect of social work and have the drive to support those with disabilities, those in poverty, children, families, and the

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