1.2 Communication Skills Nvq3

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1.2 Communication skills In this part of my essay I am writing about using communication skills in a health and social care context. There are numerous methods to communicate; it can be verbal, be non-verbal, writing and listening. Verbal communication is applied when information or training have been given on the phone, by handover and face to face talking with the service user. When communicating verbally there are some factors that need to be considered as the tone of voice, pitch and speech at the equal level and certainly do not talk with your back to the service user. For service user with hearing problems, deaf and mute is appropriate to use non- verbal communication. Considering factors such as facial expression, hand gestures, physical appearance and body language are important things in communication. The use of symbols, visualise picture cards and communication board or note pad will promote to help to communicate. The skill of good listening in practice is letting the service user to speak in their own pace and providing them time to express themselves. Information transfer is effective with a clear and reflective message as the message was sent. The…show more content…
It is notable that the communication is not only occur between the health professional and the service user. Obviously, it is among health care workers themselves. Santy and Smith (2007) states communication can be used in this area to ensure that innovative thoughts, trends and best practices are shared between the health professionals and social workers to improve their profession. This can also be used as part of the health and social care in order to promote advocacy condition. This type of communication is often used in the media, such as print ads and other channels. Using the media to promote health campaigns is very compelling that people understand healthy lifestyle and what's best for

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