Reflection On Globalization

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In the wake of an explosion there are a few common sounds we hear – screaming, shrieking, crying and mostly panic. On 15th September 2008, the same sounds were heard, but this time there was no explosion, there was a crisis. The 2008 Financial crisis, headlined by the fall of Lehman, shook the World Market and till today has economies trying to rebuild themselves. As a result of the crisis, there have been drastic and stringent changes made to the regulatory world which has made the climb back up arduous for many companies. Political tensions rose and Governments didn’t know whether to feed their citizens or their Central Banks! The Global Economy crashed in 2008, and I hope to be a contributor to its reinvention in the years to come and am…show more content…
India was resilient to the 2008 Financial crisis and has been an active member in debate and conversation across the world. Political tensions are high as in all emerging markets and there is always a tussle between economic policy and political agenda. Using the expertise gained from the Course, I would aim to work with International Organizations as well as those entities within my Government, that focus on growth intensive policy aimed at economic and social advancement. Globalization is the way forward and this step must be taken collectively by all economies. The fight against economic slowdown, exchange rate fluctuations and the ever-looming impacts of Climate Change must continue with effective policy measures and regular check points for their implementation. The course would give me the opportunity to explore different avenues and move towards my career goals at a quickened and more informed pace. Looking through the prospects, I would choose to specialize in modules dealing with macroeconomic policy, public microeconomics and economics for development. Econometrics is a crucial subject in today’s Global scenario where one has to be able to quantitatively analyse economic decisions to help sustain a brighter tomorrow. I want to be a player in fostering that brighter tomorrow and I believe this course will give me the tools required to do

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