Reflection On Diversity

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I learned that the diversity is one of the greatest resources a nonprofit organization can have. I define capitalizing as making the most of something. The dictionary definition is “to take advantage of; turn something to one's advantage”(capitalize. n.d.).. I define diversity as not everything being the same. The dictionary definition is “the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness” (diversity. n.d). I define opportunity as a chance to do something important. The dictionary definition is “a situation or condition favorable for attainment of a goal” (opportunity. n.d.). I learned this when I started this semester and was able to tie in my experiences with my nonprofit classes. The Hope Center at Pullen has a small, but diverse…show more content…
While we have a lot of people with different backgrounds, I cannot think of one person of color who currently works or volunteers at the rescue. I can only think of one person whose first language was not English. I would say approximately 95 percent of the volunteers are female. I would say most of volunteers are white women aged between 25 and 65. We definitely have other age ranges represented, but younger people are often too busy trying to balance their social life, school, and work and older volunteers often have trouble with the physical demands of the job. I…show more content…
When I was trying to choose which college to attend, I never gave diversity a thought. I cared about was what was going to me to vet school. I chose NC State because it has a veterinary school and all the prerequisite classes needed to apply to vet school. When I arrived, I got meet a variety of new people. Coming from a small school that primarily had white, Christian, middle to upper class, and even mostly male students, this was a big change for me. To give you a bit of reference, my graduating class had 10 people in it. Eight of which males and two of which were females. Every one of us came from a Christian family, were white, and openly identified as heterosexual. My first semester at NC State, my roommate was from South Korea, my lab partner was China, one of my friends I had multiple classes with was from India, my TA was from Romania. I saw and met so many different kinds of people. It was so refreshing. It has such an amazing experience to learn about other people’s experiences and cultures. I think that diversity makes a University stronger. I have also heard that a lot of people are disappointed with NC State’s diversity. This semester, in my social work class, two of the students talked about how they had seen NC State online advertise how diverse it is and they saw pictures of a lot of ethnically diverse people, but when they actually arrived on campus, it was not
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