Examples Of Prejudice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The three main characters that are being misjudged and mistreated in the novel are Tom Robinson, Boo Radley, and Atticus Finch. Tom Robinson, a black male that is falsely accused of rape and is doomed by the white jury, is put on a trial for a crime he did not commit. Atticus states, “Tom Robinson is innocent but doomed"(88). Bob Ewell accused Tom Robinson of raping his daughter Mayella Ewell. Racial prejudice is present when a community believes a cruel and ignorant man like Bob Ewell, over a decent black man. Boo Radley is one of the characters that are subjected to discrimination based on false rumors and accusations. Boo Radley is believed to be a "lunatic" and "freak." The kids start to fear this person who is a mystery that grabs their…show more content…
Cecil Jacobs says that Atticus is a "Nigger-lover." Later, Atticus explains to Scout that “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view"(30). Scout is ready to put a fight with Cecil Jacobs, and always wonders why Cecil behaves like a "boo legging." Scout comes to understand the concept of racism from her father, and feels the adult world is harsh and unfair. Atticus explains to Scout to judge others fairly since one cannot understand someone’s point of view. Atticus Finch is also one of the defenders of racism in the town of Maycomb. The presence of the mad dog in their neighborhood represents the danger facing Atticus. Calpurnia runs to the door of the Radleys house and shouts, "Mad dog's comin!”(93). Calpurnia when seeing the mad dog rushes to the Radley's house and is fearful of the situation. Atticus unexpectedly shoots the mad dog with Heck Tate's rifle, and amazes his children who think their father is "uncool." Calpurnia states that Atticus is a "one shot Finch"(98). The mad dog represents the racism of the Maycomb town, and the difficulties that Atticus Finch confronts with. Atticus impresses his children by his talent in shooting the dog from the first shot. Calpurnia tries to show the goodness that still exist in the black community. Calpurnia states "Puttin on airs fit to beat Moses"(124). She faces the racist Lula. Lula angrily states," You ain’t got no business bringin' white chillun here they got their church"(119). Calpurnia replies, "It's the same God, ain't it?"(119). Reverend welcomes the children as he states “we’re mighty glad to have you all here"(119). Calpurnia is the bridge between the white and the black communities. She introduces the goodness of the black community to Jem and Scout. Calpurnia uses the colored dialect as she speaks in the "First Purchase", since she believes that she would feel
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