Red Driving Business Case Study

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AC1.3: Explain the responsibilities of an organization and strategies employed to meet them Social responsibility is one of the Red Driving School’s obligations that has set-up are geared towards ensuring the operations of the business are friendly to both the community and the environment. In other words, the company’s corporate responsibility focuses on improving its services both indoor and outdoor; in an effort to increase its vision and gain competitive advantage. As a result, Red Driving School maintains standards of its business ethics which are important to the expectation of the stakeholders. The company follows regulations which include protection of the stakeholders’ interest in regards to environment, social, economical and financial issues. In order to achieve all these aspects, Red Driving School complies with laws and rules governing safety, employment…show more content…
These ethics occur on 3 levels, The Macro Level, The Corporate Level and The Individual Level. The above referred responsibilities are very important part of an organisation. Taking RED Driving School into consideration we can see that the main internal responsibilities are consumer protection, Health and Safety and equal opportunities. Whereas the main external responsibility is the environment. ASSESSMENT 3: The Market Environment AC3.1: Explain how market structures determine the pricing and output decisions of business A lot of businesses face competition because there are a lot of similar company's out there selling the same products and services, so they have to be competitive with their prices and advertising, for consumers to choose them. Competition between businesses tends to control profits and prices as well as the company's long-run survival that will depend on whether they have successful innovation and product development. Different market types are: • Perfect Competition • Monopoly • Monopolistic Competition • Oligopoly •

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