Reasons To Become An Entrepreneur

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Ready to Become Entrepreneur There are many reasons to become entrepreneur it’s not just about being your own boss or getting to work from home. Becoming an Entrepreneur is great for so many reasons like turning an idea into reality, Job Security, Networking, Becoming an Expert, Recognition, Financial Independence, Change the World etc But I have also heard many excuses to not become an entrepreneur. It’s too risky, you might go into debt, and you’ll probably lose sleep, your social life etc But even with all these uncertainties, people are still attracted and willing to enter into the startup world. If you feel like you want to be an entrepreneur but aren’t ready yet, here are few questions you should ask yourself. Do you know what you’re…show more content…
You are totally responsible for yourself. Right now, whenever you are at whatever you’re doing – it’s your choices that got you here. When you start, you must take full accountability for everything. Clients won’t want excuses and they will drop you. Even when it’s their fault you have to be prepared to deal with the possibilities that you will have to handle it. You need discipline to survive and stay ahead of your work, ahead of your bills and to grow your business. If you struggle with accountability and discipline, don’t rule out entrepreneurship forever. Do you love what you do and are you good at it? There are going to be long hours in entrepreneurship. If you enjoy what you’re doing and are passionate about your project. Don’t fool yourself into thinking money alone will be enough to motivate you. Make sure you’re passionate about what you’re intending to pursue as an entrepreneur and that you have the skill set to get to work. Forget about working on your weakness, play with your strength that is what will make you successful for long run. You shouldn’t lie to yourself about your passions if your passionate enough of something you will be successful at it. Do you play well with
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