Reflection On Practicum

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Journal Eight Upon completion of week eight of the practicum experience, I have considered the skills that have been mastered and have identified areas of needed growth. This week's journal will describe the achieved goals and areas that require continued growth. As I have progressed through the practicum experience, I am beginning to become more confident with the assessment of patients and the development of differentials. This reflection can help identify areas that will need further improvement (Shaughnessy, Allen, & Duggan, 2017). Areas of continued growth are leaning all of the treatment guidelines and standards of care for each condition. Miller (2013), had referenced the important competency of participating in repeated exposure…show more content…
It does feel as though I have made great strides working toward the established goals and objectives set forth at the beginning of this semester. However, I have reached the juncture when it is time to fill in knowledge gaps to reach mastery level. In work by McGaghie (2015), mastery learning incorporates "continued practice until the mastery standard is reached" (p. 558). As a result, this has led me to my goals of assessing the progress that has been made and working on areas that still need practice. Moreover, taking steps to improve the areas that need to reach mastery level. This mastery level has become my benchmark for professional goal…show more content…
These goals have been revalidated each semester. However, upon review, they have been solidified and reaffirmed this final semester. The outcomes of these goals can be evaluated through the successful completion of the course requirements, feedback from preceptors, and application of competencies in the practicum setting. As I consider the established goals upon the initiation of this course, I can honestly state that I have achieved them to the best of my ability. I have a solid foundation for assessment, diagnosis development, and treatment planning. The coursework has guided me towards the analytical aspects and growth in synthesizing all of the competence that has been achieved. Taking the steps that integrated the course objectives and university objectives into learning has helped to prepare entry into the profession as an independent practitioner. According to Distler (2015), these steps can help online learners meet the standards of training for entry-level practitioners. Additionally, this growth has been supported by the journaling and goal development processes. Continual feedback from preceptors has been beneficial. However, there is no end to growth and

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