Ship-Trap Island: A Short Story

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Now it has ended The next morning, “Do you see the island?” cried Captain Nielsen. “I can see it, about half a mile forward,” replied Whitney. “What makes you so sure that Rainsford is even here, are we even sure he is still alive?” said Captain Nielsen. “I know the man, if he fell off the boat he would have tried to reach Ship-Trap Island, we did not pass any other landmasses after that, Ship-Trap island is the only option,” spoke Whitney. “Alright then, we’re coming up on it now I can see a clearing where it should be safe to land,” said Captain Nielsen. “I pray to God he is still alive,” said Captain Neilsen. “He will be, dock the ship let’s go look for him,” said Whitney. Captain Nielsen and Mr. Whitney, leaving the rest of their crew to tend to the ship began searching the dense jungle around them, looking for their lost friend.…show more content…
He was hunting them as part of his sick and twisted game of predator and prey.” stated Rainsford. “Where is this General Zaroff?” asked Captain Neilsen suspiciously. “I threw him to his own hounds.” reported Rainsford gesturing to the enclosed area. When Whitney and Captain Neilsen peered closely they could see the remains of an older man, who had been completely ripped to shreds, even under these circumstances Whitney and Captain Neilsen could still make a few characteristis of the corpse such as the remains being that of a past middle aged man with white hair and a dark mustache. “After I threw him to his dogs I slept in his extremely comfortablw king-sized bed. Then, the next morning I went into his Cellar where I releaseda total of nine men including these three here.” spoke Rainsford gesturing to the men. “There names are Andrew, Miguel, and Marcus.” “Nice to meet you.” stated Captain Nielsen shaking all of their hands. “This lot here took care of the household in exchange for a place to sleep and a bite to eat.” said
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