Inequality In Valdez Quade's A Tale Of Two Americans

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In the wake of the 2016 presidential election, much has been said and written about America’s polarized political climate and the endlessly growing inequality issues. This has contributed to the collective fuses of everyday lives running shorter and shorter, more than have been in decades. Along with presidential postmortems, comes a brilliant literary anthology that accidentally reveals the topic of inequality, otherwise known as “A Tale of Two Americans,” edited by John Freeman. Freeman creates an outline which is neither a dystopian metaphor, nor a glossy escapism. Instead Freeman focuses on a realistic background of the differences between ones who have easy access to America’s idea of opportunity and those who live without them. Freeman points out a major theme…show more content…
Throughout the essay, Quade depicts the struggles behind structural inequality, educational inequality, diversity, and mindfulness. The privileged are often blind to structural inequality when they have the ability to alter and help the lower class but time and time again choose not to. Author of “Youth From Every Quarter,” Kirstin Valdez Quade, explores a theme of structural inequality through the eyes of a previous student, and current teacher. She teaches at “an elite New England boarding school,” (Quade 100) which is said to be open to diversity and a strong education. Diversity is used mainly in order to burnish the admissions pamphlet, not focus on education. One thing the reader here may grasp is the fact that the official name of the New England boarding school is not given right away providing a sort of suspicion about the character of that education system. Every sector of every school should be aware of proactive listening and acceptance among people; this allows for more ideas that are different from

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