Desiree's Baby Literary Analysis

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The limitations of women’s lives in the 19th Century in “Desiree’s Baby” Women in the nineteenth century lived in an age defined by gender inequality. Women were expected to remain inferior to their fathers and husbands. Their occupational choices were also very limited. The middle and upper class women generally remained home, watching over their children and taking care of the household. Differences between people may often bring altercations between one another. This is found often true between men and women. Kate Chopin’s feminist short story, “Desiree’s Baby”, illuminates man’s sovereignty over woman. In “Desiree’s Baby”, Desiree accepts being Armand’s wife and Armand begins to regard Desiree as his dominion. It becomes an undeniable master/slave relationship that endures between Armand and Desiree, regardless of the true love that Desiree feels for her husband. "Desiree's Baby" was written in a very particular time period of American history. While reading the story, I immediately assumed that the story was written during a time where slavery was legal in America. This short story shows that sometimes the men were really at fault and…show more content…
Feminists compared their battles to the work of African Americans during this period, which is a crucial aspect element of the theme of the story. Desiree realizes one day that her baby is part African American. “A quick conception of all that this accusation meant for her nerved her with unwonted courage to deny it. ”It is a lie; it is not true, I am white! Look at my hair, it is brown; and my eyes are gray, Armand, you know they are gray. And my skin is fair," seizing his wrist. "Look at my hand; whiter than yours, Armand," she laughed hysterically” (Chopin). Desiree tells Armand her worries and he demands her to leave the house, accusing her for the baby’s

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