Quinoa Healthy Food

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QUINOA, A CROP OF CHOICE FOR PAKISTAN Introduction Quinoa(Chenopodium quinoa Wild.) is a native food crop of Latin American Andes and a member of Chenopodiaceae family.The word “Quinoa” is pronounced keen-wa not kwin-o-a. Quinoa is a halophytic meaning salt-lovingplant. In Latin America Quinoa is one of the importantmajor food crops. Recently it is also becoming popular and essential in Asia,North America and Europe. In Europe & USA, it has becomefamous as a breakfast cereal cropdue to its protein and amino acid composition in both quality and quantity, which makes it an ideal food for the body. It has a multipurposeuses in the diet, food processing industries and other non-food/industrial uses.Quinoa is well-known for dietary and nutritive…show more content…
It is highly nutritive food which can fulfill your body nutrient requirements. Quinoa is healthy food having calcium, fiber, protein and Riboflavin along with major necessary anti-inflammatory and important antioxidant characteristics which reduce the chances of Diabetes and heart problems. Stain the quinoa continuously. After this put seeds in a strainer, then remove the foamy covered residues by washing with cold water. Check the few seeds taste; if the unpleasant smell is present then wash again with water. Remove remaining residues by rubbing the seeds and rinsing with fresh water. Quinoa has following three main verities: red, light yellow and black. Add quinoa grains in salad for lunch, you can also enjoy by making breakfast cereals for morning. Make quinoa dessert, a yummy dish. Use quinoa flour where you need gluten free baking. Quinoa fresh leaves are edible having good flavor similar to beets, spinach and chard. Place the saturated quinoa grains in moist jar for 10-15 hours or half day to get sprouted seeds. Popped quinoa seeds similar to popcorn are very popular with children. Thus quinoa is healthy and nutritive food, Very easy to cook and digest which make it popular grain

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