Pros And Cons Of Vegan Diet

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Pegan diet is a new diet that combines vegan and paleo diet. Mark Hyman, a nutritionist and doctor have discovered this diet last year which has proved so far that is very helpful indeed; not to mention that it is becoming popular day after day thank to its varied benefits that help you in more then one way. The best thing about this diet is that is combines and balance the best of the 2 famous diets paleo and vegan; which means that it provides you with double benefits that no other diet can give you. This diet is one of a kind because it is so cheap and easy to follow, as it also doesn’t make you follow so many complicated rules like other diets. Everything about is clear and easy to do, not to mention that the benefits that this diet provides…show more content…
Pros: the pros that this diet offers you are exactly the pros of vegan and paleo diet at the same time. Cons: Since the pegan diet has combined only the best of the paleo and vegan diet, they are no cons to mention right now. Tips for a Pegan Lifestyle Pegan diet is super easy, so it doesn’t require lot of tips or instructions. The only 5 tips that you’ll need are: • Stay away from sugar: Once you decide to go on the pegan diet, you gave to keep in your mind that you won’t be able to eat sugar. You can just eat it as a treat from time to time with a small amount. • Vary your meat recourse: Don’t concentrate on a specific meat, try to vary it from time to time and use it only as a side dish. • Consume lot of veggies and fruits: Fill your everyday meals and main courses with different and lot of veggies and fruits. Use colorful veggies and fruits to encourage yourself eating it. • Look for good fats: Consume healthy oils, avocado, nuts and seeds to fulfill your body with the good fats that it needs. • Stay away from dairy products: Stay away from any dairy products; otherwise you will ruin your diet

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