significant other’s persona. This quality of marriage is associated with the martial “satisfaction”. The book Religiosity and Marital Commitment: ‘Until Death Do Us Part’ explains the role of religion in a marriage’s commitment by giving examples of sociological studies. The statement “religious attendance…are merely additional indicators of religion as a barrier to leaving marriage” showed in a visual way what religiosity embodies in terms of a marriage. In light of this statement, religion may act as
Sociological Analysis of Kristin Turney’s Article Introduction Medical sociology refers to the study of how human behavioural patterns influence the overall health of a particular individual in a given society. According to Turney (2014), it is an area that does not only provide information on the causative aspects of ill-behaviours and how they lead to health problems, but also provides remedial insights into solving such ill-behaviours before they culminate into chronic health problems. Then, it
A major change that has occurred in the Western family is an increased incidence in divorce. Whereas in the past, divorce was a relatively rare occurrence, in recent times it has become quite commonplace. This change is borne out clearly in census figures. For example thirty years ago in Australia, only one marriage in ten ended in divorce; nowadays the figure is more than one in three (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1996: p.45). A consequence of this change has been a substantial increase in the
exemption. The law has been changed such that a man who forces his wife to have sex with him can be charged for rape under Penal Code s 375(4) in certain circumstances stated below: • Husband and wife are living apart – • Under an interim judgment of divorce or nullity • Under a judgment or decree of judicial separation • Under
scientific community of whether variables measure what they intend to in a study (Neuman 2007). We strove to achieve face validity by utilizing indicators that have been acknowledged by members of the scientific community and by members of the sociological community at our college as ones that appropriately measure social support. Content validity intends to capture the entire meaning of a question being studied by conceptualizing the question clearly, encompassing all of its aspects or indicators
Medicalization is the process by which human conditions and problems come to be defined and treated as medical conditions, and thus become the subject of medical study, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment. Medicalization can be driven by new evidence or hypotheses about conditions; by changing social attitudes or economic considerations; or by the development of new medications or treatments. Medicalization is studied from a sociologic perspective in terms of the role and power of professionals,
According to Messerli (2009), over the past decade, there has been a rapid increase in single-parent families and divorce rates. Accepting same-sex marriage would therefore further erode the respect for the constitutional contract of marriage. It is a violation of the sacred institution. Marriage is intended for procreation and allowing same-sex marriages violates this and has a negative effect on procreation. It therefore shifts from procreation to merely adult gratification. In order for society to survive