Quality Assurance In Nursing

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I. Definitions Quality Assurance is a process that deals with regulations to ensure that the quality standards have been met as patients are taken care of. This is a responsive approach that seeks to examine the reason why facilities failed to meet their standards and think about the next steps to be taken, for future improvements (University of Minnesota, n.d). On the other side, Quality Improvement is a way of proactively studying the healthcare processes with the main intention of preventing or decreasing the likelihood of patients through identification of areas of opportunity and finding out different ways of preventing or decreasing the available problems (University of Minnesota, n.d). In other words, this helps evaluate the process…show more content…
Problems faced by Maven Manor Nursing Home and preventive Measures There are different steps that have been taken by Maven Manon Nursing Home since a number of problems has been diminishing from more 10 cases in 2011 to only 6 cases of the measures that had to be taken. This is a proof that specific steps have been addressing specific problems until they are successfully solved. In 2014, Maven Manon did not take many measures as there were a few cases that had to be dealt with. According to Medicare Data for Maven Manor, the main problems…show more content…
An insufficient number of nurses that could not care for every resident in a way that helped to maximize their wellbeing: Having a small number of required nurses to help a resident make it difficult for them to get the services that they should get from health professionals. This is one of the major challenges that Maven Manor has faced in 2014 and did not fill consider some of the dimensions of healthcare quality like safety, effectiveness and efficiency because residents could face tremendous risks due to the lack of sufficient health professionals. In addition to that, with a few people providing the services, it increases the amount of time spent and reduces the equity of the services. Dealing with this, Maven Manor will have to ensure the availability of enough nurses to care for every resident in a way that maximizes their wellbeing. This will eradicate of issues that could rise as a result of a small number of nurses providing services, resulting in the improvement of residents’ wellbeing. In addition to that, there will be a diversity in the provision of the services which will reduce the risks that could arise when only one nurse did not have any idea of what to

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