Gondar Hospital Case Study

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3.2. Study area and study period This study was conducted in University of Gondar Hospital Wards. University of Gondar Hospital is found in Gondar town Amhara region, Northwest Ethiopia. Gondar town is 735 Km North West of Addis Ababa. This hospital has 320 Nurses and midwifes. It services to more than 5, million people and has 512 beds in five different inpatient departments and 14 wards. Fourteen different units give outpatient services to clients. Nearly 250,000 patients are visiting at the outpatient clinics and there are more than 21,000 admissions every year. In addition approximately 6000 major surgeries and 5000 deliveries are attended every year. This hospital serves as a sole referral center in North-West Ethiopia and as a teaching…show more content…
3.4. Study population  All Nurses who are working at University of Gondar Hospital wards 3.5. Inclusion and exclusion criteria 3.5.1. Inclusion criteria  All nurses who work at University of Gondar Hospital wards 3.5.2. Exclusion criteria  Nurses who were absent during data collection period  Nursing records of patients who had been hospitalized for fewer than one day (24 hours) were not included 3.6. Sample size Sample size was determined by using the assumption of a single population proportion formula by the Assumptions of D = the margin of error, taken as 5% Z = standardized normal distribution value at the 95% CI, which is Z= 1.96 P =Nursing documentation practice 50% (no research conducted in Ethiopia) n =(z α/2)2 P (1-P) = 1.962 *0.5*0.5 d2 (0.05)2 n =384 The study populations were less than 500 so all nurses available during the data collection time were included. 3.7. Study variables 3.7.1. Dependent Variables  Nursing Documentation practice(Good ,Poor) 3.7.2. Independent…show more content…
Operational definition  Nursing documentation: - is clinical record written by nurses and the total written information concerning patient’s health status, nursing needs, nursing care, and response to nursing care. That includes assessments, nursing diagnoses, planned care, nursing interventions, patient teaching, patient outcome, and interdisciplinary communication(4).  Good nursing documentation practice: - refers to the nursing process record on the chart score 75 percentile and above.  Poor nursing documentation practice: - refers to the nursing process record on the chart score below 75 percentile.  Good knowledge: - refers to respondents with individual knowledge score mean and above.  Poor knowledge: - refers to respondents with individual knowledge score below the mean.  Good attitude: - refers to respondents with individual attitude score mean and above.  Poor attitude:-refers to respondents with individual attitude score below the mean. 3.9. Data collection

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