Pursuing A Degree: A Personal Statement

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Growing up in a developing country has made me seen the world in a different light. Thus, I want to use the opportunities I am presented to make a difference in my home country. I can achieve this goal with a degree in the courses I am pursuing, such as Economics or Neuroscience. These courses are composed by subjects I have a passion for. Pursuing these degrees will help me widen my views of the world, and allow me to aid in my country's development. My interest on these subjects are the scientific and humanitarian basis they present. Economics, whether it is from the macroeconomics point of view or business economics is a key tool for development. Omit, Neuroscience opens up new research fields and it will expand my scientific knowledge. In high school I coursed the IB program,…show more content…
There I learned these subjects relating them to modern issues. With the IB I have improved my critical thinking and gained valuable skills such as debating, empirical investigation and data analysis. Over the course of my academic formation I have engaged in many extracurricular activities which have become passions of mine. For example, I became involved in the UN model club and as of last year I became one of the presidents of my school's club. I have attended many model UN where I have represented various countries. This club has taught me how to deliver a great speech and the importance that every country has on global politics. Being the president of this club has taught me about leadership and how to manage people and projects. This experience has made me politically aware, a better speaker and has urged me to research on my own. I also

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