Pursuing A Career As A Social Worker

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Social Workers "The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but reveal to them their own." (Disraeli, Benjamin ) I was secretly hoping that I would get a career along the lines of this one, so when the quiz showed that human services are for me, I was pretty excited. Helping people to become mentally stronger, or to show them the good they have in their lives is a great thing to do. As Steve Jobs said, "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do” (Jobs, Steve). I would definitely love to tell you about what I would love to do. The reason for speaking about Social Work,…show more content…
The following topics will be discussed: What Social Workers do, How to become one, and salary. Social workers work with people of all ages, including families, to ensure that problems in people's lives don’t spiral out of control. When people are going through troubling times, they may get the services of a social worker to help them through it. Social Workers have several duties. They will need to meet with possible clients to decide on whether service is necessary and what situations clients may be in. Another duty of a social worker is to support their service users. Other duties include keeping record of what goes on in the client’s life, referring clients to other agencies, giving advice, and much more. Being a Social Worker isn’t just telling people what to do and being done with it. There are many responsibilities that come with this job. One responsibility of being a social worker is to help people get through life. A social worker may help those who face terminal illnesses to cope with their situation. Another responsibility is to never give false hope when dealing with service users who have terminal illness.…show more content…
There are also all the people and agencies that have to be called back. Many social workers even take their work home when their work day is over. After that, it starts all over. As stated by the blog, A Social Work License Map, ¨Every state in the union needs social workers¨ (A Social Work License map). Social workers typically work in offices when they aren’t out and about meeting with service users and such. Social Workers should expect to earn somewhere around $44,200-50,000 USD each year, but some may earn more or less depending on where they are and whether they have just entered into that career. Entry-level Social workers typically make around $25,00-48,000 USD. Experienced Social Workers will most likely make around $40,000 to $60,000. Like all jobs there are benefits to being in the Social Work career track. Most of the benefits revolve around feeling fulfilled with helping people or being proud of the job that Social Workers do. To be a Social Worker, the minimum education needed is typically a Bachelor's Degree in Social work and a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and/or a
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