Nurse Practitioner Application Research Paper

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My interest in pursuing a career as a nurse practitioner originates from the positive experiences that I have had with nurse practitioners throughout my career. During my tenure in social services I have worked parallel to nurse practitioners in providing care to child victims of physical and sexual assault and I have long appreciated the holistic and collaborative approach that nursing allows for. While my experience in social services cemented my decision to pursue a career as a family nurse practitioner, it also helped me develop qualities that will serve me well as an advanced practice nurse. In particular, it allowed me to develop my passion for working with vulnerable populations, my ability to engage productively with other professionals…show more content…
Throughout my career I have worked collaboratively with professionals from various disciplines to ensure the long-term safety and well-being of children. While it can be challenging to work across systems due to perceived differing priorities, I have witnessed how effective communication between invested parties can improve care for individuals. As a nurse practitioner, I look forward to continuing to be a part of a care…show more content…
With regard to the former, I have drawn greatly upon my personal experience of living abroad for a large part of my youth, as this allowed me to witness first-hand the diversity that exists among family constellations, child-rearing practices, and belief systems. This experience has been invaluable as it has allowed me to interact with families with far less bias, and far more compassion. At the same time, I have also come to value community and being part of the community that I serve. The importance of this first became apparent when I worked as a Child Protective Services social worker in an office that served primarily African American families and which was staffed predominantly by African American social workers. The social workers spoke about the families using affirmative language and inclusive terms, so very different than the language used in other Child Protective Services offices. It struck me at that point that there is a great benefit to being part of the community that you serve. For this reason I have chosen to reside and work in the same community for the past eight years and I hope to continue this practice in the

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