Pterygium Case Study

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The word pterygium is derived from greek word pterygos meaning “wing” and was described by Hippocrates, Galen and others1,2 . The term pterygium was introduced to the English language in 1875 by Walton3.Pterygium is a degenerative condition of the subconjunctival tissue which proliferates as a vascularised granulation tissue to invade the cornea, destroying the bowman’s membrane and superficial layers of the stroma and the whole being covered by conjunctival epithelium4. It appears as a triangular encroachment of the conjunctiva upon the cornea.The prevalance of pterygium is high in tropical belt of the world, especially in india where hot,sunny and dusty weather favours the growth1,5.UV rays is the most important risk factor6,7. A small pterygium…show more content…
2) To compare the safety of Autologous fibrin and Sutures in terms of complications and recurrence. REVIEW OF LITERATURE History: Susruta, who lived in 1000 B.C. treated pterygium with pulverised salt and stimulation with a palm branch. When the pterygium was inflamed and swollen, he tore it out with forceps and removed any remaining tissue with flesh stripping ointment. Hippocrates (469 B.C.), suggested the use of eye drops containing lead, zinc, copper, iron, bile juices and maternal…show more content…
This was done by passing a thread underneath the growth and allowing it to slide over the scleral surface with to and fro movement as far as medial canthus then when the pterygium was detached from the underlying sclera it was cut with scissors12,13,14.. Other indication were given by Paolo Eginera (660 A.C.) and the Arab Avicenna (1037 A.C) who suggested cutting the pterygium with scissors. The 19th century saw the advent of surgery of pterigia:- Scarpa (1802): Removal of the head from the cornea using forceps, section of a portion of the body (3-4mm) and subsequent concentric excision of the detached tissue as far as limbus15. Arlt (1850): Excision of the head from the cornea and diamond shaped portion of the body with conjunctival cross-over plastic surgery16. Desmarres (1855): Introduced the technique of deviating the head in an attempt to change the direction of growth and induce it to atrophy. The technique was modified by terrien who deviated the growth towards the superior fornix as opposed to inferior fornix suggested by

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