Essay On Modern Short Story

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Introduction In this portfolio we are going to take a look at the modernist short story, focusing especially on its main characteristics and development throughout history. We will begin by introducing the notion of short story and its main distinctive features. Subsequently, we shall focus on the development of the modern short story, its key features and how it’s different from the traditional short story. To conclude our portfolio, we will explore the most famous short story writers and approach two of them in detail, namely Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf. We have chosen this topic because we love reading, however, sometimes we do not have enough time to do so, which is why short stories are ideal for those, like us, who lack the…show more content…
Rising from earlier oral narrative traditions in the seventeenth century, the short story has grown to encompass such a diverse set of work that challenges easy characterization. The short story features a small amount of named characters, and focuses on one autonomous incident with the intent of evoking a "single effect" or mood. In doing so, short stories use plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a much greater degree than the typical anecdote , though much smaller than a novel. While the short story is quite distinct from the novel, the authors of the two usually rely on a common set of literary…show more content…
Both use the narrative first voice, very frequent in Modernist literature. Both stories approach personal subjects and illuminate less savory aspects of humanity, through characters who seem real. Contrarily, Naturalism, which had preceded this, used environment and physical imperfections to represent character. Masters’ work also increased the popularity of free verse, as the narratives are not quite stories but rather poems that tell stories. Another characteristic of modernism in literature is the blending of
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