Dysfunctional Communication Behaviors

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Cluster the narratives according to the dysfunctional communication behaviors. In the Hirokawa, et al (2000), the scholars identified seven functional and dysfunctional communication behavior themes for groups. Those themes affect differently the group function, as it can be associated to both the success and failure of the group. The themes are relationships, group structure, group process, member emotions, group communication, member attributes, and external forces. Further, I identify the occurred themes in the following failure stories and highlight what I think was the key dysfunctional behavior that occurred in each story. Story one: Relationship, group structure, group process, and communication themes affected the group. The key failure…show more content…
Two key themes occurred emotions when frustration was mentioned several times and members’ attributes when the disinterest, negligence, and low motivation caused group dysfunctional behavior. Story eleven: Communication and relationship affected the group negatively. The key theme is relationships as the group dysfunction appeared when the lack of teamwork happened. Story twelve: Communication, relationship, structure, emotion, and member attribute are the occurred themes. The key theme is relationship when the lack of team cohesiveness and power role affected the group function. Story thirteen: Relationships, structure, process, and member attribute are the occurred themes. The key theme is structure the poor leadership, lack of coordination and cooperation between members affect the group function. Story fourteen: Relationships, structure, and communication are the occurred themes. The key theme is structure the poor leadership played role when lack of coordination and cooperation with subordinates led to the dysfunctional group. Amanda story: Structure, process, and external force are the occurred themes. The key theme is process as the inadequate preparation and disorganized meetings affected the…show more content…
For example, in story four “We had a little less than three weeks”, in story two “lack of homework and poor management”, in story one “that were negotiated in secret, outside of the committee” those narratives explain how failure happened and the group didn’t perform their task cohesively. Process and structure failure of members can be perceived as social loafing in teams. According to the Hoigaard et al (2006), organizing tasks successfully will results in high task cohesion that is associated with high performance norms that can reduce social loafing. The findings indicated that high group member standards of motivation, role involvement, and social support produce less social comparison, and this help manage the group behavior positively to be focused on the task and have a positive work environment to encourage creativity and group

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