Probation Officer Case Study

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Introduction Rocco Pozzi is Commissioner of the Probation Department of Westchester County. Located on 111 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. White Plains, NY 10601 6th floor. The Probation Department does a number of things that contributes to the criminal justice system. Being on probation is the act of promising to abide by the guidelines of the agreement with the court in exchange for not receiving a jail or prison sentence, but if any agreement is violated the individual will be sentenced for the original crime. A Probation Officer is aan armed personnel who supervise and conduct pre-dispositions and pre-sentence investigation. The investigation provides the history of physical, mental, psychiatric health and criminal/delinquent history for adults and juveniles. This information is…show more content…
Even with the many classes that emphasized the foundations of the popular criminal justice careers, it is still hard to figure out what I exactly want to do. The Westchester County Courthouse have provided me with many opportunities to explore different career options outside of being a police office, lawyer, judge, probation and parole officer. Coming into college I had the mentality of what I learn in college will determine whether or not I get a specific job, but in reality that is not the only factor. Speaking to many court officials they all said “College is just the foundation”, this is a relief to hear from those who have been though the process that landed them in their current position. Every position in the courthouse from the court clerks to the judges are all trained because even with ample amount of experience every work place has their own way of doing things. I believe it is important as college students to know that “we” will not learn or know it all and give us confidence before going into the work
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