Pretend Play In Children

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Pretend play, also known as creative play, imaginative play, and make-believe play begins anytime from 11 months to 18 months in typically developing children and begins to change into other types of play between the ages of 10 and 12 years. When children are playing pretend, they are playing appearing as if something or someone is real, creating a situation as if there is more going on than what is literally happening. Examples of pretend play would include; playing “mom and dad”, play shopping, play cooking, and playing dress-up. Pretend play can be seen as a thinking skill, as children have to understand the meaning of what is happening. This type of play can be seen in a variety of environments such as day care centres, kindergarten classes, elementary school, households etc.…show more content…
The cognitive-developmental perspective focuses on how children think and how their thinking changes as they grow. This view has been adopted by Jean Piaget, believing that children naturally try to make sense of their world by attempting to comprehend surroundings of their physical and social worlds. With this view, children’s thinking ultimately becomes more sophisticated as they develop (Barnfield & Kail, 2015). Children at the Child Care Centre will be studied, their parents had granted consent for the children to participate through a consent form in addition to an assent form for children with information of the study and their rights to leave the study at any point if they desire to. Prior to conducting the study, it is believed that early pretend play enhances children’s development in the aspects of increased capacity for cognitive flexibility and

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