Summary Of C. S. Lewis Mere Christianity

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C.S. Lewis, in his book Mere Christianity, said, “You must make your choice. Either this man [Jesus] was, and is, the Son of God; or else a madman or something worse.”[1] Although this quote is referring to Jesus, the effect of this quote should also be applied to the Bible. As C.S. Lewis said that there is a choice that needs to be made concerning Jesus, there is also a choice that needs to be made concerning the Bible. Either this book was, and is, God’s authoritative word; or else it is a book of idiocy or something worse. The claims that the Bible makes are extreme; inasmuch, that it does not allow anyone to reasonably state that the Bible is merely a good book. Because of its claims, it is either the authoritative word of God or it is…show more content…
They may say that the Bible is godly inspired, but they conversely say that the Bible is false in certain aspects. Fortunately, there are four solid arguments that affirm that the Bible is both divinely inspired by God and inerrant: (1) the biblical argument, i.e., the Bible claims its own inerrancy, (2) the historical argument, i.e., historically, church theologians have traditionally affirmed the Bible’s inerrancy, (3) the epistemological argument, that is, the rejection of the Bible’s inerrancy will result to no sure biblical foundation, and lastly (4) the slippery slope argument, namely, if a proclaimed-Christian gives up inerrancy, that Christian may possibly give up on more and more Christian truths[3]. While it is honestly sad and possible that a Christian will give up certain fundamental truths of the Bible because it is not inerrant, the slippery slope does not prove the inerrancy of the Bible; rather, it simply states the possible tragic outcome of not viewing the Bible as inerrant. The strongest out these four arguments is the biblical argument, for the Bible reveals that the perfect God wrote precisely every single word found in the Bible. Evidently, through Jesus’s implications (c.f. John 10:34-35, Matthew 22:32) and the prophets’ divine encounters with God, it is affirmed that every single word in Scripture was divinely placed[4]. Moreover, the Bible cannot be partially true, for the Bible has not

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