Post Development Theory Of Globalisation

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John Rapley in his book understanding development says development came both as an enterprise and a scholarly discipline. It became important after World War II. It was synonymous to industrialisation. Former colonial empires got their independence while they were still poor, this made them eager to speed their development so that they can gain their respect and provide better lives for their citizens. The socialists, communists and modern liberals generally if not always used the state as an agent of social transformation. They said the state can develop the economy as well as change the societies, while the new right based on resurgent classical regarded the state as tyrant and venerated the freedom of productive potential of the market.…show more content…
The right blamed the failure on the state. The dependency theory of the left blamed the market and not the state. The developed countries said the third world should follow their example of less state and more market. The structural adjustment programme did more harm than good in poorer countries. In 1990 a new critique came into being known as post development theory of globalisation. The right wing statism and left wing free marketering were united by a common goal that is attainment of development. Post development said that development is not bettering the lives of citizens but it is geared at controlling citizens’ lives. Allied leaders held a meeting at Bretton woods in Hampshire to discuss on the world economy. The Soviet Union was absent; this signalled the split of the world economy into two blocs, the western capitalist and the eastern state socialist. The main agenda of the meeting was the desire to create a favourable international trading environment. The conference gave rise to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. The Bretton woods system was rounded up by general agreements of tariffs and trade; this was designed to create a stable and freely flowing international trading environment. IMF was there to lend money to governments who needed to cover their balance of payments deficits. World Bank was created to invest in the reconstruction of war ravaged…show more content…
Thus some countries are witnessing the resurgence of populist movements that purport to impose limits on globalisation and to restore some of the control over space that they have lost. This to him is the greatly changed context in which development studies finds itself in this vein therefore, those who take an interest in development are being challenged to conceive new strategies of development. Rapley castigates clearly that bodies like World Bank and IMF which come to the realisation that development that does not improve the lives of the poor people will only provoke resistance

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