The Importance Of Citizenship In Politics

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decisively about political matters. This is how at present we could see the craze for ‘development’ in the last elections. 10. Citizen as equal: This is the legacy of the revolutionary France: individuals address each other and expect to be addressed as a possessing equal significance and as sharing certain basic entitlements. One of these, perhaps neglected by Marshall, is the entitlement to a certain degree of respect, to a not in considerable quantum of recognition. In other words, all citizens shall be granted equal rights and opportunities, which still lacks in India due to many issues Like AFSPA in the north east and Kashmir region. According to Miriam Feldblum, this traditional citizenship based upon nation-state has four components-regulation,…show more content…
The citizen is expected to feel only a limited obligation to the state; paripassu the state is expected to impinge on the citizen’s life in only a feeble way. In fact the liberal theory of citizenship grew by the extraction of rights for the individual. During the 20th century, the brief that citizenship embodies legal, political as well as social rights has taken full hold. Citizenship is both a status and a set of rights. However, all rights are not citizenship rights. Citizenship is a status bestowed on those who are full members of a national community and citizenship rights are those, which derive from and facilitate participation in this ‘ common possession’. They are rights of person in the community of a nation-state, which are ultimately secured by the state. These rights in a ways impose certain limitations upon the state’s sovereign authority and entail certain duties from other persons. According to Marshall, the growth of citizenship has been stimulated by both the struggle to win rights and by their enjoyment when won. Examining the concept of citizenship in the context of social classes, Marshall pointed out that its unique element could be defined in terms of specific set of rights and the social institutions through which these rights are exercised. The development of the institutions of modern citizenship, he writes that while capitalism created inequalities…show more content…
Citizens now have national as well as global responsibilities. These global responsibilities do not threaten loyalty to a particular state. A necessary condition for effectively discharging his global responsibilities is that one should be a loyal participant inpolitical life of a particular state. Citizenship and Education According to Janowitz: Effective citizenship rests on a rigorous and viable system of civil rights and obligations. In this context citizenship education becomes very important. Here we the people are ultimate source of legitimate power and authority. The subject matter of citizenship education in these countries consists of a complex inter-relationship between individual and the democratic political community, responsible participation in public affairs, formal and informal political processes including critical scrutiny of public officials, institutions and political operations. Citizenship: A

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