Bilateral Relations In Malaysia

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Singapore and Malaysia’s bilateral relations is not perfectly peaceful and amicable. Given our cultural and political differences since colonial rule and our close proximity geographically, clashes and tensions are unavoidable. Singapore’s independence did not come easily or smoothly, it being the outcome of political disagreements and racial clashes with Malaysia. The sheer difference in geographical size between Singapore and Malaysia has always made Singapore an easy target for Malaysia, since its tiny land space makes it easier to be invaded and conquered in theory. Nevertheless, Malaysia has respected Singapore’s sovereignty since her independence and has yet to invade Singapore. The global political and economic landscape has shape-shifted…show more content…
That being said, it is not the best theory we can use to explain that. The social constructivist theory believes that the meaning and definition attached to “anarchy” is not natural. Anarchy, or the absence of central authority controlling the world, does not determine if two countries are friends or foes. Ultimately, the meaning of anarchy is socially constructed through the nature of interaction between states (Wendt, 1992). This interaction decides if two countries are hostile or friendly with each other. According to Wendt, states tend to act on probability versus possibility, which is “produced by interaction, by what actors do” (Wendt, 1992). Although there is a possibility of Singapore attacking Malaysia, the probability perceived by Malaysia is low due to their past interaction and history of cooperation and dispute resolution. Since Singapore’s independence, disputes have occurred between her and Malaysia. However, these disputes have been resolved peacefully without the threat of military force. Singapore has not expressed her intention to act aggressively or violently towards Malaysia. In fact, both countries have shown commitment and sincerity in settling any differences or disagreements between each other. Furthermore, Singapore did not have a strong military at the beginning of her independence in 1965 so she did not pose a big threat…show more content…
The existence of cultural and ethnic differences between Malaysia and Singapore, accompanied by their history of disputes and disagreements have not motivated Malaysia to attack Singapore. Therefore, the liberalist theory best explains the existing peace and Malaysia’s lack of invasion of Singapore since Singapore’s independence. Warm peace and mutual trust is possible and have prevented violence or armed conflict between both countries, despite their history of tensions and disagreements. The complex interdependence between the two countries has shown how intricately dependent they are from the individual level to the state level, causing the benefits of cooperation and warm peace to outweigh the costs of armed conflict. While there is no central authority preventing Malaysia from doing what she wishes, there are numerous platforms available for regular communication and discussion between the two countries to use soft measures to resolve their issues instead of resorting to violence. Consultation, communication, compromise and cooperation are the key elements in shaping the nature of Malaysia-Singapore relations, therefore maintaining a peaceful and non-violent

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