Examples Of Cultural Diversity

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Bhabha thus relates this transition of spaces, due to migration and diverse cultures, into a hybrid space or the third space, which I will elaborate on (Bhabha 1990: 216). People are influenced by the space and see the potential it has. Arts on Main, being a prime example of cultural diversity is a sign of ‘cultured’, and according to Bhabha (1990: 208), this “attitude [of diverse cultural acceptance] is the ability to appreciate cultures in a kind of ‘musée imaginair’ as though one should be able to collect them”. This applies to Arts on Main because it is a reconstructed space embracing and influencing multiculturalism. This reconstruction is therefore transformed into a hybrid space, also known as a third space (Bhabha 1990: 211). A vast…show more content…
The collapse of Apartheid in 1994 resulted in the demolition of land restrictions and once more citizens were granted free movement, creating a whole new flux within the city of Johannesburg (Louw 2004: 2). The abolition of land restrictions brought with it more advantages for those groups of citizens previously oppressed, and due to their newfound freedom they became land and business owners. The Immorality Act (1927-1994) was also abolished, allowing interracial marriages to take place, children of all cultures were allowed to go to schools and all public facilities were open to all…show more content…
Multiculturalism is the result of diverse cultures intermixing in spaces: people with different cultural backgrounds influence other people’s cultures through exposure. Therefore multiculturalism is the term used for a space or a state in which one is influenced by more than one culture: in which a person has been influenced by two or more diverse cultures (Morris 1998: 1). Here we begin to see, in stark contrast to Louw’s observations of segregation, the integration of cultures and de-Europeanization of South Africa. Achille Mbembe documents the further development of such integration, observing that migrants settled down and started families (Mbembe 2007: 27), creating a cosmopolitan society within the city of

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