Positive Punishment In The Classroom

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Punishment is used to help decrease the probability that a specific undesired behaviour will occur with the delivery of a consequence immediately after the undesired response or behaviour is exhibited. When people hear that punishment procedures are being used, they typically think that something wrong or harmful is being done. The use of punishment procedures have been used with both typical and atypical developing childrens, teenagers, elderly persons, animals, and people exhibiting different psychological disorders. The exhibition of problems behaviours in English classroom is something that has become a major concern in recent years in schools. The problematic behaviours occur as a result of not having the interest to love English. However,…show more content…
(Sadowski, 2012) One of the examples of positive punishment is a situation where a teacher frowned when his student asked a question, the student would be less likely to ask question to the teachers again. (interventioncentral.org) B) Negative Punishments Negative punishment is removing something pleasant that will decrease the occurrences of the behaviour. (interventioncentral.org) One of the examples that suitable for this type of punishment is removing students who misbehaved in the class. Negative punishment techniques tend to treat discipline as a single act but discipline is really a process and a general way of behaving. (Sellors, 2015) Negative reinforcement, like punishment, can make a student feel angry or ashamed because students may get the message that they are the problematic rather than the bad achievement in class. Negative reinforcement techniques rarely prevent misbehavior in the future and negatively affect teacher-student…show more content…
(asiaeuniversity, n.d) However, punishment might give positive and negative impacts to an individual as it affects different people in different way. (intervention.org) Punishments is said to give negative impacts to a student as it can be abusive. For example, a teacher might become aggressive when punishing a student in school that he/she becomes abusive towards the students. In coherence with that, it will create creates fear among the students that can generalize to undesirable behaviour. (McLeod, 2007) When the students are being punished by the teachers, it will create a fear of going to school among them. On the other hand, punishment may create a new problem such as aggression. Students commonly react to physical punishment by learning to dislike the punisher and perhaps by reacting aggressively towards that person. They might show that aggression is a way to cope with the problems. Thus, positive behaviour among the students might not be successfully gained. Besides, punishment does not convey any information about what an alternative and more appropriate behaviour might be. It may suppress one’s inappropriate behaviour only to be replaced by another one. Punishment can turn out to be reinforcing. A student might learn that misbehaving will get the teacher’s

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