Disadvantages Of Superconductors

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Superconductor is when some materials are lowered to almost absolute zero, 0 K or -273 C, and conduct electricity with no resistance. The main use of superconductors is in magnets. In regular electrical magnets, the electricity used has resistance, which uses up electrical power and becomes hot. However, if a superconductor is used in the electric magnet, it does not get hot so plenty of electricity can be run into it, which means you can get a really, really strong magnet, stronger than regular magnets. For example, in terms of resistance, like in a light bulb, makes a wire get hot. So, if a lot of electricity is run into an electromagnet, it melts. However, with superconductors, no resistance means no heat which means that a larger amount…show more content…
They can be divided into three characteristics. The first material which is made of lanthanum, barium, copper, and oxygen which gives up to 30 to 40K which was found by Johannes Georg Bednorz and Alex Muller. Another one is called 1-2-3 compound which includes a rare earth element called yttrium. The reason it is called 1-2-3 compounds is because the material contains “1 part yttrium, 2 parts barium, 3 parts copper, and 7 parts oxygen” (Vidali 132) which was shorten to 1-2-3 compound. The third characteristics is the highest reached temperature which is similar the 1-2-3 compound structure, but the materials are different. There are two compounds, which are bismuth, strontium calcium, copper, and oxygen in one, and thallium, barium, calcium, copper, and oxygen in the other. The temperature is about 125K discovered by the University of Arkansas and the National Metal Research Institute in Tsukuba, Japan. From these two compounds show that oxygen copper plane, made up of La, Sr, Cu, and O and is a property of the layers of material that allow for the high temperature…show more content…
The reason why we even talk about a vector potential for the magnetic field is because of Gauss’ Law, which tells us that the magnetic field is divergence less. Then, we know from vector calculus that the curl of a vector is always divergence less. This allows us to talk about a vector potential for a magnetic field. The vector potential is A. The vector field is x A =B. The curl gives the magnetic field, B. In analogy, we write the scalar potential as = E and the gradient of a scalar vector, gives the electric field, E. All vector fields of this form are divergence less: ・( x A) =0 If we are studying electromagnetism, we note that ・B =0 Then, we know that from vector calculus that all curl A’s are divergences less, that is, ・( x A) =0 This means in analogy to the electric potential we can talk about a magnetic potential, but instead of a scalar, it's a vector. Therefore, B = x A for some vector potential A. In the equation form, we can explain these ideas like this: Gauss’ Law for magnetism in differential form tells us that ・B=0. Also, all curls are divergenceless, so ・( x A)= 0. When we combine these two factors, we can state that the magnetic field must be given by some vector

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