Population Migration Case Study

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Population migration has a long standing history in the South Pacific region. The main reason driving the emigration of the islanders is the demographic, economic, social and environmental situation and the non-development of certain Islands (handset 1994, Allenbach 2013). The reasons for these migratory phenomena vary from one island to the other. Socio-economic motivations are more of an issue with independent islands. Poor living standard, lack of economic development and environmental constraints force the inhabitants into migrating with the hope of gaining social status and higher revenues, thereby empowered to support families back home. This is the case in Niue, Kiribati, the Cook Islands, Tuvalu, and in some Federated States of Micronesia…show more content…
It concerns the "Pacific People"1 and other migrant populations who have settled for varying periods in the territories. The project will focus on highlighting the types and scope of health mobility in the South Pacific. We are going to examine transnational mobility around conventional and informal healthcare2 . We hypothesize that these movements of people induce, at the same time, a flow of knowledge, techniques and products, representations, skills, standards and values which research will be bring to the fore. We will examine how health impacts on territorial dynamics and their reconfigurations in a fragmented insular environments, looking into the movement of people to access care, related practices and knowledge, techniques and therapeutic models that it…show more content…
Its health care system modeled on that of the metropolis, its nationwide developed technical platform with health professionals trained in the metropolis, makes it a medical reference for health tourism from Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, or Tahiti. The fact there are migrant populations established for many generations is an additional inviting factor, as it is a social network for people traveling for health reason from countries where access and/or quality of care are limited, more expensive, or non-existent. However, there are limits to healthcare supply. Given its own geographical isolation and low population density, the cost implied by some medical and surgical facilities cannot be borne by the country alone. This geographic, demographic and economic configuration means that New Caledonia ought to open up to offshore healthcare for certain medical procedures unavailable on the territory (Australia, France

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