Population Inequality In China

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China’s population situation consisted of many aspects. It all started with the One Child Policy, instituted in 1979. Before this policy came to be, “the average Chinese woman had roughly six children during her lifetime” (Last, 13). In 1970, China realized that people were having too many kids. They were “instructing women to wait until later in life to have babies, put longer periods of time between births, and have fewer children overall” (Last, 13). In the course of a decade, Chinas fertility rate dropped from 5.5 to 2.7. This policy “decimated the country’s fertility, driving the TFR downward and preventing, over the course of 30 years, somewhere between 100 million and 400 million births” (Last, 10). The whole point of this policy was…show more content…
“In the 1960s, the overall fertility rate in Italy was around two children per couple. Now it is about 1.3, and for some towns in Italy it is less than one” (Last, 23). That number is extremely low. A country’s fertility rate should be somewhere around two. In the year 1995, Italy had 58.3 million people. When it came to be 2008, the population slowly declined downward to 58.1 million people. Just 15 years later, there were 25,500 more deaths than births in Italy. Over the course of time, their population started to go upward because of the 300,000 immigrants per year. This helped the Italian fertility rate in many ways, but that soon would not be enough. It is predicted that the “population will fall to 37 million by the end of the century” (Last, 23). This goes to show that Italy has a majorly low birth rate and fertility…show more content…
Singapore has a TFR of 1.11 which is the lowest in the world. Singapore’s fertility rate started at 5.45 in 1960 and started to go downwards in 1965. In 1996, they established the “Family Planning and Population Board”. “The government launched a propaganda campaign using messages such as “Stop at Two” and “Small Families, Brighter Future” (Last, 151). The most popular slogan was “Girl or Boy, Two is Enough”. Along with these campaigns, abortion was encouraged. “Parents who had more than two children were penalized with no paid maternity leave and higher hospital charges for the delivery of the extra children” (Last, 151). Some couples were even encouraged to volunteer for sterilization. “Parents who were sterilized after one or two children were reimbursed for the medical costs of delivery and their children were given preferential admissions to the best schools” (Last, 151). Three years later, Singapore’s fertility rate dropped to 1.62. The campaign “Two is Enough” was replaced by “Have Three Or More Children If You Can”. After all pf this, the fertility rose to 1.48 in 1999. In 2000, the government release a set of new policies. There was the “Baby Bonus” which paid families for having children. The more babies you had, the more you got paid. As a result of all of this, Singapore’s fertility rate dropped down to its consistent rate of

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