The Gantt Model Of The Information System

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The functional models originated in the 1950’s. This was done after the first half of the 20th century focused on other types of management diagrams that was already developed. The first of these was known as the Gantt Chart that was originally developed in 1896 by Karol Adamiecki. This model have never been very popular in the West until Henry Gantt designed his chart in 1915. An Information System is a system that is composed of people, computers and the processes that interprets the information. The Information System will reference information and the complementary networks of hardware and software that people and organisations will use to collect, filter, process, create and distribute. It will place an emphasis on defining the boundaries,…show more content…
The Information Systems Architecture describes the structural design of the shared informational environments. 1. Operational Requirements In the early days of computing, each Information System that was needed was tailor made for the specific customer. This was always built as a one–off solution for that particular problem. It soon became apparent that many of the problems that the Information Systems set out to solve will share certain characteristics. This led to people attempting to build a single system that will solve a whole range of similar problems. They realised that in order to do this, it would first be necessary to define how and where the Information System would be used and why this was needed. Today, different types of Information Systems can be found. The classification of these Information Systems is simply a method by which things can be categorised or classified together as that they can be treated as if they were a single unit. This classification into the different types is a useful technique for designing the systems and discussions of their applications. Depending on how the classification is created, almost any number of different types of Information Systems can be…show more content…
The Systems Development Lifecycle aims the produce a high quality system that will be able to meet or even exceed the expectations of the customers. This will be based on the gathering of requirements, the delivering of the system and the time and budget estimates. The framework of this lifecycle will provide a sequence of activities for the system designers and developers to follow. The lifecycle will adhere to the most important phases that will be essential for the developers. The System Investigation is also known as the Preliminary analysis. During this phase the purpose is to find alternative solutions and describe the costs and benefits of the project. In order to do this, the organisation’s objectives, the nature of the project and the scope of the problem needs to be determined. Even if the problem refers to a small segment of the organisation itself, it would be important to find the objectives of the organisation itself. This stage is there to determine how the problem would fit in with these
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