Case Study Of Nestle

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Introduction To have a successful business, you must have a strong and solid management system. Nestlé is a big business which we are familiar with, the main products of Nestlé are instant coffee, condensed milk, milk powder, baby food, cheese, chocolate products, candy, tea, etc. Nestlé started its business from 1866 Henry Nestle opened the first concentrated milk factory in Switzerland, till now become the largest food manufacturers which have more than 500 factories in the world, sales by the end of 2015 were $ 92.285 billion, employing 335,000 employees from more than 70 countries. (Nestle, 2017) Obviously, over the years, the perfect management system is an integral part of Nestlé’s success, and also managing such a large enterprise also…show more content…
many brands which have the similar products with Nestlé keep flooding into the market the market. For instance, Nestle coffee is now facing the strong impact of Maxwell House, a coffee product of Kraft Foods, due to the increasingly diversified consumer demand for coffee taste, Maxwell House on the basis of the original taste (original, mocha, bursts of vanilla and orange), in addition, Kraft Foods has launched a series of "new era" coffee, there is no doubt that "Kraft" Maxwell. Coffee has more type of coffee than Nestlé. In the meantime, with the development of some international well-known coffee chain such as Starbucks and Pacific Coffee, the demand of the market for Nestlé coffee will be a great impact. (Xzbu, 2014) In fact, the downturn in coffee is only a miniature of the Nestlé market. In addition to coffee, in addition to coffee, the brand Yinlu and Xufuji which Nestlé had acquired some time ago are also had low sales. In fact, the fundamental reason is that the current consumption structure and market environment has changed, personalized consumption, fine service has become a trend, consumers now have a wider choice (Chinese food investment,…show more content…
There are many environmental organizations that are asking the US Forest Service to immediately close the water spigot and assess the Nestle's environmental pollution. Nestle from the area made by the water is used to make drinking bottled water, some people said the company urgently needed this water to get from the national forest. Many organizations have filed suit against Nestlé, but Nestle said he did not law and insisted that the permit has not yet expired. Those organizations have mentioned that pump of so much water would bring the negative impact for the forest and affect the habitats of the animals. (Moodie,

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