What Is The Neoclassical Migration Theory

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HUKOU IS THE CASE Theoretical framework The theoretical framework consists and describes two theories, the state-centered theory of inequalities and the neoclassical migration theory. The approaches provide a guideline for our analyses section in order to find proper answer for our research question and sub-questions. Furthermore, the theories help to understand the phenomenon of migration after the implementation of hukou, the occurred social inequalities and the government's behaviour in relation to regulate the size of the migration flow and control the living conditions of the workers. Both of the theories are emphasise the role of the government and the important impact of the policies and regulations on the society. However, the state-centered…show more content…
In the neoclassical migration theory, people are considered as individuals, who chooses the possibility of migration- in our case from the rural part of the country to the urban area- for the reason they seeking a better life for themselves and for their families. The term of better life including higher wages, better and more job opportunities as well as better job security. According to the theory, individuals are rational actors during their decisions making process, who taking into account “push and pull” factors, when they select their potential working place (Anitha,Pearson,2013). The term of pull factor refers to the seductive advantages of a new place, which attract a person to leave his or her old home, while push factors are the negative aspect of the living area, such as lack of job opportunities, which force the person to voluntarily migrate to another place. According to the theory the gain of the migrants is to reduce their expenses and maximize their income, however they have to face with intervening variables, like unexpected obstacles and opportunities. The approach claims that labour market mechanism has an impact on the internal labour migration and other markets, such as insurance market,…show more content…
Having said that, the Chinese state wanted to improve the system and make it more perfect. From the point of view of the Communist Party this meant a more monitored and controlled state. This action correlate with the state-centered theory thus the Chinese Communist party, from the beginning of its existence*, has maintained to exercise a dictatorship, which means that the members of the party, who thus the state actors, have hegemonic power to governing the country and make policies. What is more, the hukou was adapt to revive communism and to give more social control for the govenrment and give less rights for the rural population. As the theory said the state actors aiming to win and keep up power, and with the hukou they could achieve that. The restrictions gave domination for the state over the population. They could decide who is entitled for the government provided benefits, and who should suffer from impoverishment and starvation. Furthermore, to keep the rural workers in the farms, is profitable for the government and also for the urban citizens, thus they will be the one who can particularly partake of the harvest and consume it as an end product. Therefore the implementation cannot be see as an action which attempt to equally protect workers' rights or

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