Poor People In America

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1. In America being poor simply means not having as much as the “haves” do. Just as in any other society a social status such as this means limited opportunities for those people labeled in such a way. Once found in that position a downward spiral is created. All of the sudden it is harder to get a premium education, land that all important premium job, and consequently then harder to lift a family to a higher standard of life. Keeping the situation in prospective those that are poor in America still do not have it as bad as those in third world countries. At least poor in America still means a safe abundant supply of food for the family. Clean water to consume and keep people hydrated, and most importantly a house to shelter people from the…show more content…
The most common assumption made about poor people in America today is the fact that those individuals are not putting fourth enough effort. Although true some of the time more often than not people just fall victim to an unfortunate circumstance. Along the same thought process is the fact that people can always claw their way out of poverty. Since having the experience of being on both sides of the equation it is possible to get back on a person’s feet, but it is not a quick process. Above all the final misconception is that people living in poverty are not as good as their counterparts in upper society. Yet, regardless of how large a person’s bank account is they are still a part of society that deserves respect like everyone…show more content…
Entitlements is the belief that someone or something has the right to an object or opportunity. The belief of entitlements can be extremely destructive to a society as a whole as well as the impoverished. To go further into detail those that think the world owes them something endanger not only the can do American attitude, but also the belief of philanthropy. In simpler terms those individuals that do not believe in helping others think that they are above such a simple act of kindness. Unfortunately, more and more people today are adopting the belief of entitlement, but it should not be that way. Everyone regardless of social class should have the outlook that they need to get up in the morning put in a good days work in order to accomplish what they want rather than hoping it falls into their lap. As Americans the only sense of entitlement that we should have is that of basic human rights, beyond that everyone needs to earn their own way unless limited in some
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