Willian Hogarth Gun Lane Analysis

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Willian Hogarth was born on November 10, 1697 in London, United Kingdom, and death on 26 October 1764. He was a great painter which most of his paintings represent society problems such as, poverty, social class and wealth (Austin 320). He did a special painting cold Gin Lane which criticized the wealthy for ignoring poor people, and the poor for drinking. There are several reasons why most of poor people do not get enough health care and live in bad conditions: the behavior of poor people, the government, and rich people. Poor people most of the time are lowly, but there are other times when poverty makes angry or frustrated to anybody. Because poor people sometimes need to take out of that anger, they take the alcoholism way (drinking a lot). The painting Gun Lane by Willian Hogarth shows a clearly example of that behavior that poor people take to get out the anger (Austin 321). There is a child falling out of the hands of a drunk mother. This attitude does not help poor people get needed rights like wealth or health care. In order to take care of poor people, they have to show a good behavior.…show more content…
In other words, poor people become poorer, and rich people become richer. For instance, People in America have an idea of how many percentage of poor and rich people have in their wealth and health care. The statistic shows up that poor people get a 20% of benefits about wealth, while the rich society gets an 80 % of benefits about it. Then, the statistic shows up in how people think the percentage of wealth is in America. Showing that a little number is for poor people, and a greatest number for rich people. Finally, statistics show an actual distribution of wealth in U.S. showing that almost cero percent of wealth is for poor people, while a 100% of wealth is for rich people (Politizane). There is a fact that almost 90% of poor people died being poor people, and the rest become rich or are no longer

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