Multiculturalism In Turkey

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It cannot be said that there is a parallelism between the official policies and the historical reality. In Turkey, different cultures continued their existence in peace. An exclusionary understanding towards these cultures cannot be said to be dominant in public. Cultures constituting the social structure in Turkey are integrated and amalgamated with each other as in the art of marbling. Also, each color and design preserved its individual structure as in the art of marbling (Cırık, 2008: 36). Turkey continues its existence as a multicultural social structure due to both the historical heritage it took over and the communities continuing to exist in it from different religious and ethnic origins living together. An important part of the non-governmental…show more content…
For example; for the last 25 years, Kurds have been fighting for recognition within the context of multiculturalism. As the religion of Turks and Kurds is the same, the identity demand can be said to be set out in the framework of the language. The excessive ethnic emphasis on the “Turkish identity” caused the demand of Kurds for language centered social recognition to emerge more intensely. The overlooking and commanding attitude of the Turkish nationalism is effective in the rise of a reaction. Being in the oppressed position contributes to the increase in Kurdish nationalism. Kurdish nationalism is increasing even more each day no steps are taken in this field (Akkurt, 2010: 238). Turkish government manage every citizens fairly. Today every culture can speak their language everywhere and they can sue each other ıf they can come across problems. Sometimes the case in the point is immigration from other countries to Turkey. Turkish government apply good multiculturalism policies thus every people prefer Turkish region for living. When foreign citizens come Turkey who has lots of right such as right to education and working moreover they can manage Turkey ıf they can choose Turkish…show more content…
Different ethnic and religious groups have lived together in Turkey for centuries. In the Ottoman Empire period, the existence of different nations in public sphere was accepted. As well as having their own religious institutional autonomy, these different nations did justice in their own courts in judicial sense. There was no obstacle to continue their existence for the differences in the areas reserved for them. In the Republican Turkey, steps were taken in accordance with the spirit of the time and a uniter state structure was tried to be constructed with the sense of secularism. The founding staff struggling for independence considered the existence of the differences as a threat for the survival of the state. In this context, steps to construct a single nation were taken using all the opportunities as far as possible. The population exchange allowed for this. Only Non-Muslims were accepted as minorities. Their population was not considered big enough to pose a threat for the country. In practice, steps were taken for the abolition of the privileges granted to these minorities. Alpha Muslims from different ethnic backgrounds living in Turkey were not considered as minorities and all of them were defined as Turks. The biggest obstacle to this practice was the Kurds with a dense population. As well as enacting settlement laws to turn the Kurds into a part of the Turkish nation, no other language except from Turkish was allowed in education. Although a

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