Religion In America

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Why are religious views currently impacting politics in America, it is because religion is very important for Americans. Religion in America has intensified the way people see the American political life in a way that is not seen in other developed countries. Religion in the United States, is very important to the people who live here. Over half of Americans say that religion is very important to them in their daily lives, making America more religious then Europe. If you look into the past, Europe has been very religious, and wars have been fought over this. Take Henry of Navarre, he was only allowed to become ruler of France only if he converted over to Catholicism. His saying “Paris is worth a mass”. Meaning that converting was no problem…show more content…
Even the president of the United States when he delivers a speech is always asking God to bless America, extending his prayers to victims of disasters, hosting religious leaders, and is always praising religious values. If you look at the past in America, religion has become much more a part of public life then what the constitution says. There are multiple reasons behind this, one is that evangelical Christians under the name of the Moral Majority, made a push to influence political leaders since the 70’s and to include religion into the political debates. And since the debates are televised, this can sway a persons vote into the favor of a certain…show more content…
They do so, in part, because the Republicans appeal to their religious beliefs. That religious belief is strengthened by increasing insecurity in the lives of the poor because difficult living conditions are associated with the increased of their religion. So the worse their living conditions become, the more likely they are to follow in this voting pattern. That seems like another great reason for really separating church and state. Democrats feel pressure to talk about their own religious beliefs, or they risk losing a chunk of the poorer immigrant population. With a large number of immigrants coming to this country, most of them being poor and very religious, that can make or break a candidate in winning an election. That is why religion is instilled into the American political life and that intensifies religion in people's everyday lives. Religion can have a long lasting influence on a person’s political beliefs. Political ideology may even replace a person’s religion. For example, a religious goal of loving one’s neighbor may translate into political activism such as fighting for the poor, and a political activist could dedicate his life to the poor in the same way a person might dedicate himself to a
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