Corrective Justice

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When individuals differ of their beliefs of what they deserve or decisions are made on burdens or benefits, the question of fairness and justice typically arise. If there were not any conflicts of interest, there would be no need for fairness or justice. Since there are conflicts, the principles of justice are fair and reasonable standards to resolve such issues. Over all justice is the belief that "equals should be treated equally and unequals unequally." (Velasquez, Andre, Shanks, S.J., and Meyer, 2014). The core of justice is fairness and the spirit of treating all individuals equally. Issues with justice can happen regardless if everyone has the same rules or punishments. Concerns are typically complex and multi-layered requiring a thorough…show more content…
Common reactions to an individual who is responsible for injury or wrong doing would be paying for damages, returning stolen goods, or punishment. The heart of corrective justice has three conditions: the liability needs to be measured reliably with moral standards or accountability for ones actions, victims need to be compensated, and the resources for pleasing the victims need to come solely from the payments required by the liable individual (Center for Civic Education, n.d.). Retributive justice functions on the rule of punishment, even though what may constitute comparative and fair punishment is debatable. Whereas intent may be to deter a culprit from wrong doing, the repetition of criminals show limited accomplishments in this method. Punishments in tradition is about satisfying the victim and the individuals who are concerned with them. This could drift into revenge, which could end up being more brutal than reparation as the victim or those hurt are out to make the culprit suffer. When this happens, justice can be defined as emotional instead of intentions of prevention and fairness (Changing Minds,…show more content…
The doubt is double with consideration in making corrective justice appear to be a sincere form but undermining its individuality from distributive justice. While considerations that encourage its individuality from distributive justice undermines its class as a legitimate principle. This double concern comes from the idea that corrective justice demands the reverse for wrongful adjustments to a preliminary supply of resources. If an original supply of resources is fair; corrective justice apparently only requires that individuals are returned to the same state they are entitled. This could imply that corrective justice is just distributive justice based on an actual results perspective rather than just a self-reliant principle. So if an original supply of resources is unfair, then corrective justice would require that one sustains, imposes, or establishes what is proposed as an injustice. Therefore, corrective justice may not be a matter of justice, however independent but not a genuine principle at all (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,

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