Political Analysis Of Starbucks

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Politics Starbucks is an international company, therefore the political factors around the world will have an impact on the company and its profitability. There is a strong correlation between economic and political stability. Consequently, the more politically stable a nation is, the more stable its economic environment tends to be. There is a strong correlation between political stability, economic stability and the supply chain. A disruption in the supply chain will have an influence on the daily operations of Starbucks and its sales and profitability. Many governments around the world are improving and expanding their infrastructure. This creates the opportunity for Starbucks to expand their company and access more markets and suppliers.…show more content…
However, the company has an opprotuinity to expand its custome base by catering to millennials. Technological Starbucks has made use of information technology across the company to drive performance. Starbucks have recognised the importance of the internet to customers. Therefore, there are Wi-Fi capabilities in every Starbucks store. Customers can use the internet and do work whilst enjoying a Starbucks drink. This improves the company's brand and enhances the consumers overall experience. Starbucks has intoduced an innovative conversational ordering system, My Starbucks Barista. This is a mobile application that allows customers to place their orders via voice command or messaging interface. The idea behind this application is to make it more convient for the user to get their drink and/or food. This application has only been launched int the Apple Istore but it should be available for android users during 2017. Starbucks has the opportunity to improve its supply chain efficiency based on new technologies coffee farmers use. But, the rising availability of home-use specialty coffee machines is a threat to Starbucks because it increases the availability of substitutes to Starbucks…show more content…
As a result, the more environmentally responsible a brand is the higher is its popularity. Being environmentally friendly creates a better brand image and the brand is able to obtain higher loyalty from their customers. Starbucks has also made significant investment in environmental initiatives. Starbucks is focused on having greener cups, energy, and stores. As a result, they have become more environmentally and socially resposible. The company is also trying to combat climate change. Starbucks combats climate change by helping farmers reduce the impact of climate change on agriculture. The company is working to bring all its stores to LEED (Leadership in Enegry and Environmental Design) building standards. Conserving water and enegy is important to Sarbucks. The company recyles and they are using more environmentally friendly packaging. Sustainability is important to any company. Starbucks has the opportunity to become more environmentally friendly by partnering up with various organisations to combat climate change . There is a threat that Starbucks may not adhere to the various environmental laws. This could result in the company paying a fine.

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