Oldtown Sktown Case Study Solution

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No Title Page 1 Introduction 2 2 Country Profile 3 3 Culture 4 4 Economic System 5 5 Political System 6 6 Religion 7 7 Challenges and Problems 8 8 Currency Risk 9 9 Religion 10 10 Cultures Difference 11 11 Solutions 12 12 Solution regarding Currency Problem 13 13 Solution regarding Religion Problem 14 14 Solution regarding Cultural Difference 15 15 Conclusion 16 16 Bibliography 17-18 Introduction OldTown Berhad is a company founded in 1999, became the first white coffee manufacturer in Malaysia. They serve coffee beverages which are produced using their own formulated blend of coffees. OldTown’s business activities can be divided into 3 categories which are the operation of their café chain, the manufacturing of their products, and the…show more content…
Their vision is to be the leader of Asia Pacific’s white coffee brand, providing products that are high in quality to customers all around the world. OldTown also faced a few competitors in their business such as Starbuck, Paparich, and Coffee Bean. Now, they are distributing their business in China. The aim of this paper is to conduct proper analysis of the Cbina and the challenges that OldTown may face in China. Country Profile Cultures of China As one of the world’s oldest and most complicated civilization, China, has possessed over 5,000 years of history in artistic, philosophical, political, and scientific advancement. One more concept should be mentioned in this report is the Chinese cuisine. As an old saying goes in China, food is the first necessity of people. There is no doubt that the three meals a day play a considerable significant role in Chinese people’s daily life. Base on the history, Chinese food culture extending more than 170 million years, which…show more content…
This does not imply that all sustenance products made or took care of at such an office are halal certified. A site certificate ought not to be utilized as an issue product certificate. Halal certificate for a particular product with particular term: This sort of certificate connotes that the recorded product or products meet the halal rules detailed by the ensuring association. Such a certificate may be issued for a certain time period or for a defined amount of the product bound for a specific wholesaler or shipper. On the off chance that the certificate is for a particular amount, it might be known as a clump certificate or a shipment certificate. Poultry and meat products, for which each one clump or committal must be certified, for the most part get a bunch certificate. Yearly certification may be naturally recharged dependent upon passing the yearly examination, through halal agreeability and installment of the certification

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