Panera Bread Essay

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Panera Bread Company is the widely acclaimed bakery/café, which operates in the fast casual food restaurant industry. It was originally founded in 1981 by Louis Kane and Ron Schaich, as Au Bon Pain Company with several chains. In 1993, Au Bon Pain Company purchased Saint Louis Bread Company, which is located in St. Louis Area. In 1999, the founders sold Au Bon Pain Company and renamed it as Panera Bread. Currently, the company owns 1,845 franchise stores in 45 states in United States and in Ontario, Canada. (Panera Cares 2013) The market-driven approach is a business outlook, which places the consumers as a beginning point in all its plans and procedures so as to produce the higher consumer value and obtain a competitive advantage. The market…show more content…
Ansoff’s product market matrix is vital because it supplies the business with the strategic direction on where to offer excellent consumer value. Panera Bread Company, since founded, has implemented the market penetration growth strategy. The offerings sold by Panera such as pastas, breads, soups, and pastries are being widely utilized by the competition. Panera Bread Company has to focus on retaining consumers and making visitors loyal consumers. Panera Bread Company has started using the rewards system by rewarding consumers for their continued loyalty with complimentary items on the menu. This program to date has generated 11 million additional customers since inception in 2012. (Marver, Y.C. and Slater, S.F.…show more content…
Individuals seeking a fast service meal with a beautiful pleasant dining experience come here. Panera is trying to reach a very broad audience according to the last notion. Currently, Panera Bread Company has expanded by offering catering service churches, schools and other events. Panera Bread Company, a fast food casual restaurant with locations throughout North America and Canada, possess solid performance and financial stability when compared to the competition. Experts have found that there is a sold relationship amongst being market-driven and receiving positive results in profit growth and market share. Net Income for Panera Bread Company was $52 million in 2013, which supports this notion. (Day

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