Physical Therapy Research Paper

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Physical therapists (PTs) help patients restore functional mobility after an illness, injury or surgery. The therapist works with the patient to remove any barriers to this functional mobility and works in conjunction with other health care providers to achieve this goal. Many individuals have misconceptions about physical therapy, and this beliefs may prevent them from seeking treatment that will be of help to them. Following are ten things many individuals don't know about physical therapy. Training Physical therapists must now complete a medical board exam before they can treat patients. In the past, a bachelor's degree was sufficient for those wishing to obtain PT jobs, but most schools now offer a three year Doctorate of Physical Therapy…show more content…
Patients may request these services on their own, allowing more people to benefit from this type of treatment. In addition, no x-rays or MRIs need to be conducted before treatment begins, as the therapist is trained to assess a patient's condition and develop a treatment plan to address any issues the patient is experiencing. The therapist uses the information obtained during the assessment, along with information provided by the patient, to create this plan. Settings Individuals often associate physical therapists with facilities outfitted with equipment such as traction tables and exercise machines. Physical Therapy jobs may be found in hospitals, cardiac rehab centers, home health agencies and outpatient clinics. If one setting doesn't offer services of this type, patients need to continue looking, as physical therapists may even be found in emergency room departments, schools and other health care centers. The Need For Physical…show more content…
Home programs are designed to meet the unique needs of the patient, even after their care is completed with the therapist. The exercises compromise a significant part of the rehabilitation process, yet many patients fail to realize this. When they don't complete the home program, they may find they need to see the physical therapist once again. Patient Age People often associate physical therapy with older individuals. Quite a few are shocked to learn physical therapists work with patients of any age, from newborns to senior citizens. A baby may struggle to reach a developmental milestone or have a birth defect that limits mobility, and the therapist can work to increase their mobility. The same is true of a senior citizen following a stroke or a bone fracture. The therapist works with patients of any age to reach their maximum functional mobility. Chronic Health Conditions Physical therapists work with patients suffering from chronic health conditions also. Countless individuals suffer from conditions that impact their lives on a daily basis, such as arthritis or vertigo. In fact, some patients suffering from vertigo find they can be treated in only one session when they visit a physical therapist. They no longer have to live with this dizziness every time they move their head or change

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