Face Observation Paper

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In The Fusiform Face Area: A Module in Human Extrastriate Cortex Specialized for Face Perception the article sets out to examine the fusiform gyrus to see if the area was active when subjects were presented with faces and if that same area was active when the subjects were presented with an assortment of common items. To study this investigators broke the experiment up into three parts to observe the subjects. As mentioned beforehand the experiment was broken down into three parts to clearly observe the results. In part one of the experiment, subjects were showed photos of both faces and of common items in order to find areas in the brain that could be potentially localized as each subjects “face area” and to see if that area was active across all of the subjects. The results of part 1 showed that there was indeed an area that was active when the subjects were presented faces and was consistent among the…show more content…
In the 2nd part of this experiment each of the subjects was exposed to pictures of faces and 3 different sets of non-facial stimuli (common items, scrambled two-tone faces, and houses) that all had the same amount to illuminance to see if illuminance had a factor in why the fusiform region responded so strongly to the presence of a face and. 3 different non-facial stimuli was used due to the fact that the face stimuli all different examples of the same category. The results gathered from this experiment showed that the region in each subject’s fusiform gyrus that responds more strongly to faces than objects also responds more strongly to intact than scrambled two-tone faces and more strongly to faces than houses. In the 3rd part of this experiment subjects were presented once again with faces but this time were also presented with images of human hands , and the faces were partially covered to test a few things. First off to see if the response of the candidate face area generalize to
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